thanks to the generosity of the monroe county sheriffs office radio department, the 444.875 has been temporarily (though we would love to make it permanent) placed at the dump site tower on SR905. the temporary repeater is linked to the HUB system. this is my portable linking repeater for now, it has excellent handheld coverage all the way up in to florida city. it is composed of 3 UHF KMC300 mobiles, made by ericsson (or GE or m/a-com, or whoever they are today), 2 of them make up the repeater, one of them makes up the link. expect around 20 watts out of the duplexer. the antenna is at the top of the tower, it is a DB420 at around 410 ft. it requires a tone of 94.8, and encodes 94.8 on transmit.
any updates will be posted here in the future.